Beyond gender-sensitive data : Intersectional approaches to data collection and analysis
F3E and GenderEval are pleased to invite you to an international gender event on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 from 2:30 pm (Paris time).
As a growing number of organisations have started committing to gender equality and gender mainstreaming within their programs and interventions, the collection and analysis of gender-related data has become increasingly pivotal in order for organisations to make evidence-informed decisions in programming.
Nevertheless, most organisations limit themselves to the first step in building robust gender systems : gender-disaggregated data. While this type of data can be useful, it only measures gaps in achievement between individuals rather than the evolution of gendered power relations between them. Furthermore, the disaggregation approach only centres around one dimension of inequality, and often prevents organisations from adopting an intersectional perspective on gender and power relations.
This is one of the many challenges for CSOs that F3E has identified in the course of elaboration of its intersectional gender strategy. The strategy, launched in 2021, ambitions to support F3E members and the international development sector in adopting inclusive and transformative approaches to programming that are anchored in the understanding and recognition of intersectional gender power dynamics. One of the 1st steps F3E has undertaken in implementing this strategy in the launch, in 2022, of a specific training course titled “Measuring gender to transform practices”.
The F3E team is pleased to invite you to a workshop-discussion that aims at sharing methodologies and practices of intersectional gender approaches in data collection and analysis, as a catalyst to a discussion on CSOs best practices and challenges in this field.
After a brief presentation moment from the F3E team, participants will be invited in small groups to discuss and exchange around their practices and challenges in integrating an intersectional approach to data collection and analysis. This workshop aims to foster peer-to-peer discussions and practice-resolution between experienced and novice evaluation and gender practitioners, as well as to contribute to the emerging debate around the importance of gender-data.