CSOs On The Road From Accra To Busan: CSO Initiatives to Strengthen Development Effectiveness

Author : Brian Tomlinson

Organisation : BetterAid

Publication date : 2012

Language : English

Number of page : 163

Format : pdf

This report highlights the experiences of civil society and their journey from Accra in 2008 to Busan in 2011. It describes processes at the global, regional and country-level, both official and CSO-led, that shaped the discussion and agreements at the Busan High Level Forum. It also reveals the hindrances and challenges met by CSOs in ensuring democratic process towards development effectiveness.

The main purpose of this Report is to tell a story. Authored by Brian Tomlinson, the Documentation Report offers various reflections on what was accomplished and what was not, but it is not intended to be an evaluation of these processes. While it sets out a narrative of the main activities, it also tells the story through the perceptions of stakeholders in the process by quoting directly from their reflections.

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